Sunday, November 6, 2011

Catching Up Once Again!!

Once again it has been far to long since I last posted!!

Our baby boy is getting HUGE in fact I am two days from being 30 weeks and he measures 34 weeks!! He is 4 lbs already and in the 95% for his weight! He at this time normally should be weighing 2 1/2 to 3 lbs! They want to do another ultrasound at 36 weeks to make sure he isn't getting to large! And depending on his size look at readjusting possibly the original birth plan!
So far everything has been going great I was in the hospital once for some stomach pains they said it was caused by a stomach bug I was fighting and Ladigo was irritating an already irritated stomach organ by causing pressure plus I was having excessive braxton hicks caused severe dehydration! So they gave me strict instructions on taking better care of myself and I have been following those so all is well!!!!
We are blessed to have a big healthy baby boy!! Moma was just kinda rooting for normally healthy sized rather then larger then normal lol
Any who soon we will be making our yearly journey to Texas for Thanksgiving! I am so excited just can't wait! We along the way will be picking up some of the final decorations for Ladigo's room!! Just can't wait to have it all finished and be able to post and everyone enjoy!! It has been so fun putting it all together!!
I have given' my info to my work about my maternity leave I plan to be done working the week between Christmas and New Years! If my body allows me to physically continue to give massage that long! Everyday seems to get harder and everyday seems that I can do less and less and my back still continues to hurt worse regardless of what I have done that day!
Royal is getting extremely excited to meet our boy!! Just can't believe how fast it has snuck up on us!! He could very well possible be here in 2 months now or less depending on how big he continues to get!!
So many things change with bringing him into this world, the financial stresses along with the fear of if we are going to good enough and how this will change us as a couple. All of these things we are ready to attack and get through! We already know it is all so very worth it the sacarifices we will be faced with in the next coming year! I see ALOT of change coming in our future!
Royal possibly changing careers or at least possibly changing positions in his field of work that will entail us having to move! So many things to look at but trying to be as prepared as possible to start this adventure once our boy is here!!! Hopefully I will keep this updated at least a couple more times before he is born!!!!

Thank you all for reading!
By the way if you noticed the spelling change since the last post we changed the spelling of his name from Ladego to Ladigo :)
Here is a picture of his latest ultrasound! He never cooperates so his arm is in front of his face but enjoy!!

Enhanced by Zemanta

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